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What will the price of bitcoin be in 2022?

Now, a panel of cryptocurrency experts has predicted the bitcoin price will peak at almost $82,000 in 2022 before dropping to just above $65,000 by the end of the year—but warned a more advanced blockchain such as ethereum, BNB, XRP, solana, cardano, luna or avalanche could eventually eclipse bitcoin.

What can we expect from the year 2022?

Geopolitical tensions are heating up as well, now that countries have acclimated to the immediate challenges posed by the pandemic. In short, nobody expects 2022 to be uneventful. Some of the predictions above are straightforward. GDP targets and explicit binary statements don’t require too much explanation.

What are crypto investors looking for in 2022?

A big development crypto investors are on the lookout for in 2022 is approval of the first spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund in the United States.

Will the public's opposition to bitcoin increase in 2022?

Pete Howson, a senior lecturer in international development at Northumbria University in Britain, said 2022 is likely to see "stronger public opposition" to bitcoin on environmental grounds, which could force regulators to act more decisively.

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